
Grainit is a technology company that develops new technical solutions for stock handling to the agro industry. Grainit has experience working with big data which makes grainit able to provide many types of information to the client (farmer).



Grainit is founded by Ivan Baadsgaard together with international investors, who each have relevant backgrounds to contribute to business operations. Ivan Baadsgaard have been working with international big data projects in the agricultural business for many years and from that, he has a lot of experience with large agricultural IT-systems.


Grainit can provide a full-length package of solutions to the customers which makes it easier for them to get a more accurate overview of their inventory while optimizing it. Thanks to the use of big data and the sharing of data by suppliers and clients, Granit are capable of continuously updating products and finding new solutions to problems encountered.

The project range consists of:

  • Farmweight, automatically transferring weight to app.

  • BD-connect, continuous registration of feed consumption.

  • Integration to suppliers for registration of deliveries in grainit

  • Stackview and Siloview for temperature monitoring of the inventory.

  • Grain monitoring systems.



Agro Food Park 13
8200 Aarhus N
(+45) 7020 3159